Author : Aykut KAR
Number of pages : 304-311


In our country, there is not much attention given to studies about pre-Islamic Turkish history. When we ask why is that, the first thing we encounter is the language problem. We have to be familiar with the old written sources about old Chinese language while these studies are going. If we do the opposite, it is not possible to build the study on a solid ground. Actually, Turkish history institution, which was build in 28 April 1930 and was connected to İstanbul Darülfünün but right now working under the Rectorship of the İstanbul University, their job, with the direct orders from Atatürk, is to investige traceses of the turkish history and reveal it. However, when we look at it today, it’s hard to say that the investigations in the field of Turkistan are not very active because the study field is hard. Researchers mostly doing studies on the Ottoman History instead of heading for this one. When we investigate why is this happening, the first problem we come up with is the lack of sources on pre-Islamic history of Turkish. But we have to mention that this problem is not just present in this period, on the contrary, this reason optains for the other nations which would want to write their own history. Archaeology knowledge is required too on this field. Otherwise, comments on the stuides wouldn’t be true and also hyperbole comments would bring damage more than benefit. When we examine studies in the mentioned field, we find written history scripts build on a solid ground by the works of some researches like Prof. Zeki Velidi Togan, Prof.. İbrahim Kafesoğlu ve Prof. Bahaeddin Ögel. Thanks to researchers like Prof. Gülçin Çandarlıoğlu and Prof. Ahmet Taşağıl, who follows the steps of the researchers I mentioned before, today we can see that there is a growing rate on the studies over the geography of the Turkistan. However, still with these studies, people don’t feel any interest in this field and so that we still have to read our history from the perspective of the west sources. In this report; as like I am going to touch upon to sources of writing about the Pre-Islamic Turkish History which is a milestone for understanding the history of the World, but also I will touch upon to what we need to do to minimizing the deficiencies on this field.


Pre-Islamic, historiography, sources.

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