
Year-Number: 2019 -20
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2019-09-23 00:38:25.0
Language : Türkçe
Konu : Sosyal Bilimler
Number of pages: 266-280
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap


Ülke genelinde hali hazırda sürmekte olan eğitim kalitesi ne kadar iyi, verilen eğitim yeterli mi, müfredat güncel mi? Gibi sorular veliler, öğrencileri ve öğretim üyelerinin kafalarını meşgul ederken yapılan bu çalışma öğrencilerin şu anki eğitim sisteminde karar verirken geçtikleri süreç içerisinde aradıkları kriterleri göz önüne bulundurarak ve bu kriterlerden hangilerini daha öncelikli tercih ettiklerini değerlendirerek bir sonuç ortaya koymuştur. En çok tercih edilen devlet ve vakıf üniversitelerini ele alarak bunların öğrenciye sağladıkları Sosyal ve Spor faaliyetleri, Aile ve Arkadaşların Önerisi, Bölüm ve İş Olanakları, Üniversite Üyelerinin Prestiji, Üniversitenin İtibarı gibi alanlarda değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur. 100 kişinin katıldığı araştırmada kapsamında Andriani Kusumawati’nin yaptığı Understanding Student Choice Criteria for Selecting an Indonesian Public University: A Conjoint Analysis Approach çalışmasından yola çıkılarak kriterler belirlenmiştir. Analiz sonucu çalışmada değerlendirilmiştir.



Today, the issue of decision making in multi-criteria structures is of great importan-ce. University selection in particular is a comprehensive example with many criteria included in this topic. The preference period that students face after they take the university exam is a period in which anxiety levels and stress levels are high. This process requires a thorough investigation of many existing criteria, including not only the students but also their families and advisors. Throughout the country; " how good is the quality of education already in progress, is the education provided sufficient, is the curriculum up to date?"such questions preoccupy the heads of pa-rents, students and faculty members. This study aimed to produce a result by taking into account the criteria that the students are looking for during the process of ma-king decisions in the current education system and evaluating which of these crite-ria they prefer first. Within the scope of this aim, the most preferred state and foun-dation universities were considered and the social and sports activities they provi-ded to the students, the suggestions of family and friends, department and job op-portunities, the prestige of the University members, the reputation of the University were evaluated. 100 people participated in the research, according to the selected cir-teria from Andriani Kusumawati's study called Understanding Student Choice Cri-teria for Selecting an Indonesian Public University: a Conjoint Analysis Approach. This research has a guiding nature in determining the University's position in the selection order of factors such as having good faculty members and having laborato-ries for students to use.
